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Skincare: The best vitamins for skin


The best vitamins for skin


The best vitamins for skin 

The beauty of our skin depends on the care we apply in our facial care routine, but also on our lifestyle. Vitamins are essential ingredients in our diet, some of them are responsible for the beauty, smoothness and youthfulness of our skin, here are the best vitamin products to discover.

If you're looking for a powerful anti-aging vitamin, look no further than vitamin A; also known as retinol.

The vitamin A

Vitamin A, the source of retinol

  • That we use is vegan, cruelty-free and derived from clean synthetic sources.

  • This beneficial vitamin helps promote cell renewal, as well as increase the firmness, tone, and elasticity of your skin while you sleep.

  • We cover the ten most skin-beneficial ingredients you should have in your daily skin care routine - get ready to take some notes!

Vitamin A is a powerful anti-wrinkle agent from which retinol and retinoic acid are extracted, ingredients that have been shown to be effective in reversing the signs of skin aging.

The problem with this vitamin is that it doesn't occur naturally in our body, but we have to add it to our diet or to our cosmetics to get the full benefit.

Vitamin A promotes cell regeneration, improves skin elasticity and protects against damage and aging caused by solar radiation.

It is essential to increase your intake before and during the summer to prevent possible problems due to sun exposure (as well as a long-lasting tan). Vitamin A, in addition, increases the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which makes the skin look younger.

Incorporate vitamin A into your diet with a dietary supplement like this or with foods such as veal, chicken, blue fish, seafood, or vegetables such as broccoli or spinach.

Vitamin A is an essential part of the immune system and its deficiency makes the body more susceptible to infections - especially in the respiratory system, including the lungs, sinuses and throat.

It is very necessary for the mucous membranes and in particular to create mucin. Mucin is an essential part of the mucous membrane.

Vitamin A is also involved in the epithelial layer and the layer of the lymphatic system. Each of these acts as a barrier to microbes. When pathogens (viruses, bacteria, etc.) enter the body, your body stimulates phagocytes.

These are large macrophages that consume pathogens, since macrophages are the body's first line of defense against infection.

The thymus gland (thymus gland), located just above the heart, helps train immune cells. The thymus gland can actually activate and synthesize or synthesize vitamin A.

When your vitamin A level is low, your risk of:

1- Ulcerative colitis.

2- Multiple sclerosis.

3- Psoriasis.

4- Lupus.

 Best Source of Vitamin A:

1- Beef or sheep liver.

2- Cod liver oil.
3- Marine mackerel fish.
4- Salmon
5- Goat cheese
6- Butter
7- Cream cheese
8- eggs

9. Vegetables such as carrots contain an inactive source that the body needs to convert (pre-vitamin A in the form of carotene).

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5, the most hydrating:

It helps hydrate, soothe, and heal skin and hair.

Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is highly hydrating and able to repair even the driest skin, as it allows epithelial tissue to function properly.

It is perfect for very dry, reactive skin with problems such as psoriasis or atopic dermatitis. Helps repair sun-punished skin, remove scars and improve the appearance of areas of flaking or melting.

It also has a sebum-regulating function, ideal for the most oily skin types. Some of the foods with the most pantothenic acid are eggs, liver meat, dairy products, or grains.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, a powerful natural antioxidant

  • Vitamin C helps naturally lighten and brighten skin to fight dark spots, while promoting collagen production and defending it against free radical damage.

  • Whether ingested or applied topically, this antioxidant-rich vitamin has many health benefits.

  • This is exactly why the authors have included it as a key ingredient in so many natural skin and body care products.

Vitamin C is one of the best known and appreciated of all thanks to its antioxidant and immune properties that help us strengthen our defenses and feel great all day long. What you may not know are all the benefits this vitamin has for your skin.

This antioxidantnatural prevents aging because it promotes cell regeneration and prevents cell DNA damage over time.

Vitamin C also promotes the synthesis of collagen, a protein essential to prevent the signs of aging on our skin. It also blocks free radicals, responsible for aging of the skin. Vitamin C is also very effective in achieving an even tone, minimizes spots and prevents the skin from turning pale, thus giving baby a beautiful look.

That is, this vitamin gives you a complete face care, prevents wrinkles and makes you look better by removing the pale and tired appearance from our face.

You can increase the consumption of vitamin C through food, it is very present (in addition to citrus fruits) in red fruits, kiwi or vegetables like red pepper or broccoli. You can also take a vitamin supplement to supplement this rich nutrient.

If you want to take full advantage of its benefits on the skin, we recommend that you apply a product with a good concentration of vitamin C directly to the skin. In this way, its effects on the skin will be more immediate and visible.

For that, let yourself be tempted by the favorite product of Amazon customers, the Face Serum with Vitamin C & Hyaluronic Acid.

This optimal combination helps preserve the natural appearance and youthfulness of your skin.

Omega 3and Fatty Acids

  • Omega 3 fatty acids are a great way to fight wrinkles, both by ingesting and applying topically, as they are able to fight inflammation.

  • These healthy fats work behind the scenes to help lock in moisture and dramatically reduce overly dry skin that leads to chapping or irritation.

Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the formation of our cells and the structure of the skin, and participate in immune and anti-inflammatory reactions, in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and in the development of the brain and eyesight.

They are known to help protect the heart, reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and regulate blood pressure. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Omega-6 fatty acids also play an important role in the proper functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, immune systems, as well as in allergic and inflammatory reactions and in the healing of injuries. They are found in abundance in modern food.

In the Western diet, there are many more omega-6 fatty acids. This imbalance blocks the effects of omega-3 fatty acids and induces, among other things, a condition conducive to cardiovascular disease and allergic and inflammatory disorders such as asthma or arthritis.

A return to a diet balanced in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids should have a positive impact on cardiovascular health and reduce the intensity of inflammatory diseases.

The experts harness the power of vegan collagen from kelp, algae, and seaweed to create natural skin care products.

Topical application of this ingredient will promote smoother, more hydrated skin as your natural H.A stores begin to decline.

Unlike some skin care ingredients, hyaluronic acid is able to penetrate deep into your skin with ease.

Vitamin K2

  • Topical use of vitamin K2, known as 'menaquinone', can increase the youthful suppleness of the skin, while promoting the production of elastin and collagen.

  • Vitamin K2 Skin Benefits: Supports collagen production.

Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is much more effective than vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) for health, concluded Dutch researchers, in a study published by the Journal of Nutrition , in 2004.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, “Soluble chlorophyll is the most common form of vitamin K found in pharmacies. It is available in tablet, capsule or liquid state ”.

You can also find vitamin K2 in the following products (if you freeze the products, they can lose their vitamins, while they keep their vitamins when cooked): natto (fermented Japanese beans), sauerkraut, products dairy (hard or soft cheeses, butter, milk), liver (foie gras, chicken livers, calf livers), salami, chicken breasts and thighs, ground beef, bacon, salmon and mackerel.

It is also possible for vegetarians to fall back on vegetables rich in vitamin K1 (kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, chard), since it seems that the human body can transform vitamin K1 into vitamin K2.

Vitamin B3

According to Alexandra Tunell of Harper's Bazaar, vitamin B3 "strengthens the skin barrier function."

This is important for a strong skin barrier helps retain moisture,leaving your skin feeling soft, smooth and hydrated.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has been shown to stimulate healthy cell growth, repair and renewal; all are important for aging or sun damaged skin.

This means that people with more melanin will experience less skin damage from the sun, but will be more likely to be vitamin D deficient.

Coenzyme CoQ10

To experience the anti-aging benefits of coenzyme CoQ10, you will need to apply or ingest it.

Adding this antioxidant to your diet or skincare routine energizes skin cells to renew your complexion, reduce oxidative damage, and lessen the severity of fine lines and wrinkles.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

The anti-inflammatory properties of alpha-lipoic acid make it a useful tool for soothing redness, spots due to eczema, and rosacea, and soothing irritated skin.

EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate)

EGCG - The Best Way to Protect Your Skin - Features a superstar green tea ingredient that will transform your skin care routine.
